Rigor in text may not be found within the words found on a page. Rigor exists in the activities, ideas, reflections, analogies, or any other strategies that may be used to derive meaning from the text.

Five Elements of a Story

Be able to identify the five main elements of a story, these include the setting, plot, characters, conflict, and theme. 1) The setting is the place where the action occurs. 2) The Plot is the action, the quest for satisfaction, what is going to happen. 3) The characters are the people in the story who carry out the action. 4) The conflict exists in the plot and is characterized with a struggle between the characters which adds excitement. 5) The theme of the story is the main idea; examples may include survival, isolation, sacrifice, relationships, adventures, etc.

Ethical Dilemmas

Be able to identify ethical dilemmas which may also be referred to as moral dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas include situations where two choices are presented; however, neither of the choices resolves the situation within an ethically acceptable manner. The dilemma becomes difficult because personal and societal ethical guidelines cannot provide a satisfactory outcome for the person facing the dilemma. The societal norms learned through codes of law and religious beliefs should allow the person facing an ethical dilemma  to make the right ethical choices. However, the  dilemma makes the choice ethically impossible.


Being able to change one's mind based on how something is presented. This is accomplished through critical thinking and analyzing the ideas of others.


"A growing mind is a changing mind. Perhaps an effective way to measure how much you have learned in the past year is to count the number of times you have changed you mind. People who never change their mind worry me. Chronically confident people terrify me."

                       -James Shelley